Prof. Mohammed H. F. Dado

Prof. Mohammed H. F. Dado



Prof. Dado has about 30 years of experience in the academia as a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Jordan. He has long experience in teaching, research and community services.

Hehas numerus international publications in the field of applied mechanics and machine design. He graduated from University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA in 1988.

He cofounded ETA-max in 2011 and since then he was on the board of directors of the company. He had overseen and managed its growth over the years. His duties were more focused in growing the costumers base and explore business opportunities and expansion of activities. He served as an active member in professional and business associations and committees in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy.

He is an active member of Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) and was elected as member of the Mechanical Engineering branch board of directors for one term and served as a member of the JEA’s central counsel for several terms. With other colleagues he established in the year 2014 the “Renewable Energy Establishment Society” (REES) in Jordan. A body of more than 40 renewable energy and energy efficiency companies. REES cooperates with governmental and regulatory agencies in Jordan with the purpose of protecting the RE and EE sector and insuring best practices.

Now Prof. Dado has retired from the academia and working full time as the managing director of ETA-max and directly running its various projects in RE and EE.